
I am wondering if there have been any known packaging problems lately that
affect apache. I was going to re-start it just now and after getting *that*
to work (mod_rewrite was suddently broken, efter som past apt-get install)
all requests to the server are slow - i.e. silence for a while before apache
produces any response.

My first thought was DNS timeout. But (1) Lookups are disabled, (2) DNS is
otherwise in perfect condition, (3) Removing dns in /etc/nsswitch.conf had
no effect.

There is no load on the server (i.e. no looping or anything is going on).
It's waiting on *SOMETHING* for each request, and the server is basically

If anyone has a clue, please share it... This is bad.

The dist btw is unstable (yeah I know; bad choice).

/ Peter Schuller, InfiDyne Technologies HB

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