I appreciate the replies from people who offered help. While no 
single reply hit my problem, the collective effort helped 
considerably in narrowing my troubleshooting. Thanks.

When I re-compiled the kernel to include the parallel port, I didn't 
realize I'd have to run update-modules to get the right information 
in my conf.modules file. That's what it took.

Is this a newbie question? I don't know. I've been running Debian 
Linux for over a year now.  The fact that I don't know every detail 
of Linux actually speaks well to the general effectiveness of the 
distribution scheme.  Apt and dselect generally get things to the 
right place with a reasonable startup configuration.


> > Linux doesn't recognize my parallel port. 
> > 
> > The lp module is loaded.
> > 
> > ls > /dev/lp0 or /dev/lp1 both give the message "no such device".
> > 
> > I can use the parallel port from Windows 95, so the hardware is 
> > functional.
> > 
> > Anything I should try?
> > 
> Mine works, under kernels v2.2.x.
> I have the following in /etc/modutiles/aliases:
> alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
> and the (tightly-edited) output of lsmod is:
> Module                  Size  Used by
> parport_pc              5484   1  (autoclean)
> lp                      4840   0  (unused)
> parport                 6612   1  [parport_pc lp]
> The way parallel port modules are organised has changed with kernels
> 2.2.x away from a monolithic, PC-specific module to allow for a more
> uniform approach to dealing with non-PC and non-standard parallel ports.
> That's why I have the alias, to associate the generic hardware-level 
> driver name with the particular driver required for the PC parallel 
> port. 
> If you edit files in /etc/modutils, run update-modules as root to ensure
> that your changes take effect.
> John P.
> -- 
> "Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything." - Bill Gates in Denmark
> -- 
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