I run Debian 2.0 versions of cnews and uucp and want to gate my mailing lists 
to local newsgroups. So I fetched the mail2news.pl script and tried my luck. 
First, I left the INEWS variable set to rnews and changed one of my procmail 
recipes to put a "test" group into a local newsgroup which somehow worked. But 
unfortunately, every article that was put into local.lists.group also appeared 
in the cnews togo file which resulted in an outgoing uucp batch with all the 
mailinglist articles. This shouldn't have happened as I exclude local groups 
from sending to my uplink with cnews' sys file.

The line of my sys file (copied from the Linux NAG):

As I read it this should batch all articles except those from the "local" 
hierarchy which were written on my machine for transmission to my provider? 
But why does it not work? It's like the !local wasn't there.

Because I don't really know what I'm doing I changed the INEWS variable in 
mail2news.pl to "inews" and thought this could help. But man, was I wrong. 
After downloading the email this morning my system was busy (top showed a 
load of ca. 7!) for more than 6 hours. And it still generated a UUCP batch of 
all incoming mailing list articles. :/

Could anybody _please_ tell me what I am doing wrong? Is there perhaps another 
approach of doing a mailinglist->newsgroup gate than mail2news.pl? Something 
perhaps that doesn't delete the headers which could be used for showing the 
messages as threads would be perfect. I really don't know why mail2news.pl 
deletes In-Reply-To ...

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