You need the following for a functional X Window installation:
xserver-<> -- in your case S3
xfonts -- which ever fonts suit you

On 13-Oct-98 ayin wrote:
> Dear Sir:
> I want to install X Server for S3 display card version for my PC.
> After I download the file named 'xserver-s3_3_3_2_3a-1.deb', I use 'dselect'
> utility to install this software. But the script result tell me that ' can
> not find newserver.xserver-s3 in /etc/X11/ '. I didn't install any X windows
> system in my PC, so I have not /etc/X11 dir in my Linux. 
> If I want to install X windows system , shall I get some other packages ? Can
> you give some advices ? 
> Thanks a lot.
> ayin from Shanghai

E-Mail: Shaleh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 12-Oct-98
Time: 23:54:40

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