You can fix this by following the instructions in the man page for
fetchmail... Either create an entry with your name and password on the
remote machine in your .netrc file, or use a line similar to the following
a .fetchmailrc file in your home directory:
>> Either make a local account with the same username or make an alias that
>> points to your local username.
I don't really want to create another account if I can help it, but I tried
making an alias for tht user in /etc/aliases but that didn't work either. It
is just that the mail I re
You need to make it clear to fethmail who is who where. My account on my
home machine is foo, with password xxx, and on my mailserver bar with
password yyy, then my .fetchmairc looks like:
poll aurora.alaska.edu \
protocol POP3 \
timeout 200 \
user bar there with password yyy is foo here \
3 matches
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