Hello all:

I have set up nagios-text on testing. Currently there are no nagios-plugins available with apt-get due to upstream issues. The maintainer for nagios-plugins told me (thanks!) that netsaint plugins would work. I apt-got them and everything is nearly but not quite working. I've done a *lot* of reading and nearly understand how it works but obviously not enough. I've configured hosts, host groups and a single gateway to ping, and also installed fping. The gw is pingable of course.

The system reports "Warning: Monitoring process may not be running!"and "Process Status: UNKNOWN". The gateway box status is shown as 'Pending'.

Clearly I've done something dumb (I'm new to nagios and Debian). I assume that the netsaint plugins are not adequately bound to nagios.

Could anyone offer a few hints? Or tell me what other information I need to give to help resolve this?



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