Hi all:
A laptop installed with slink and the 2.0.36 kernel was upgraded to potato with no problems. The upgraded system continued to use the original 2.0.36 kernel. Everything worked fine.

I decided to upgrade to the 2.2.15 kernel, so I installed the source, ran menuconfig and went through the process of compiling and installing the kernel along with the modules. I included support for ide-atapi CD-ROM, ISO9660, and Microsoft Jouliet extensions.

The new kernel loads and appears to run fine with the exception that dselect doesn't recognize the Debian Install CD set. I can mount and umount /cdrom and can access the files and directories with no problems, just dselect won't work. I've tried removing the Microsoft Jouliet extensions and the automount module with no effect.

If I reboot under the old 2.0.36 kernel, dselect works fine. Same CD-ROM, same drive, same parameters.

Anyone got any ideas?

Thanks in advance, Chris.

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