Dear All,

i am very new to snmp and trying to learn it therefore if you guys find
this a stupid question kindly guide me to correct route.

i have a snmp base monitoring server and it supports v2c for now. not v3.
i found out (by using snmpwalk) some difference in v2c and v3 on debian
wheezy system which is that v2c shows less then 30 OIDs entries and v3 show
countless entries.
thus my monitoring server does provide the information on v2c that i can
see on v3 which i need via v2c.

i have a firewall Pfsense working on same v2c but as you may know it is
BSD-base OS.the difference is pfsense gives me the same amount of OIDs that
are present in debian wheezy snmp v3

so my first question is why freebsd snmpwalk on v2c showing hugelist of
OIDs then Debian Wheezy v2c OIDs.

i may be wrong but my finding is that it is happening because in pfsense i
found out that it works on list of snmp module  unlike debian default
snmpd.conf file.

here is the list of pfsense modules.

-Host Resource
- Regex.

so i am thinking may be if there is a way i can install all those modules
in debian and get the same amount of information which i need for that
monitoring server.

any suggestion or guidance will be highly appreciated.


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