on Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 08:33:33PM -0500, Peter Christensen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Thanks, everyone, for all the help.  I checked the memory use (using 
> "free") with Mozilla and a few other programs running.  Memory use never 
> went much above 85MB out of a total of about 250) , so I don't have to 
> increase the swap partition, at least for now. 

Should be healthy for the time being.  Keep an eye on things.  And keep
in mind that it's easier to shuffle partitions around when you've got
some slack space on your system.

> And I will try removing unnecessary software with dselect.  I was 
> hesitant to do this.  I guess I still have a "Windows" mindset because 
> so often I was unable to uninstall things cleanly.  I would always end 
> up reloading the operating system.  I got used to doing this several 
> times a year.

Heh.  I've installed Debian three or four times in the past year...on
three or four new systems ;-)

RRR is definitely history.

> Mozilla is still a bit slow on my Pentium 200, so I'll try Galeon and 
> other browsers.  

I've upgraded from my trusty old PPro 180 MHz system to a "new" 233.
Galeon was extremely annoyingly slow on the 180.  The 233 isn't snappy,
but it's tolerable.  I'm going to try overclocking the CPU (or buying an
update when I fry this one), and will report back on results.  I have a
feeling that ~300 MHz is about entry point for a usable desktop system.
SCSI helps (both systems are) as disk access doesn't impinge on CPU

> The worst of it is typing.  I'm using Mozilla to compose this email
> and although I'm not an extremely fast typist I'm finding that my
> keystrokes get ahead of the program's ability to display the letters.
> Very disconcerting!  I end up making lots of mistakes!  I'll have to
> check out other email programs as well.



Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>       http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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Geek for Hire                     http://kmself.home.netcom.com/resume.html

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