Download the staroffice package into some directory and put the following
script there. Run it as superuser and Staroffice will install without
Motif libraries:

# Prepare Star Office for Non Motif installation

mkdir temp
cd temp
# Extract Libraries needed for installation
unzip ../disk.01-1 libxp3so.0/
unzip ../disk.01-2 libso312.0/ libtools.1/
unzip ../disk.01-4 libsv312.1/
unzip ../disk.01-5 libsvt31.0/

# Copy them over to /usr/local/lib
find . -type f -exec cp {} /usr/local/lib \;
cd ..
rm -rf temp

# Link Needed
ln -s /usr/local/lib/
# Make install executable if not yet
chmod a+x install

# Startup installation
exec ./install

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