Well even if the documentation is still missing, I found something that maybe 
can interest somebody. I integrated my .fvwm95rc with the Debian menus because 
I found them nice to have, but since I personilyze my setup I jut added the 
Apps, Modules and Games ... After that TaskBar didn't work quite right: It 
seemed insensitive to any changes on the configuration file.

Looking around I saw a note in the /etc/X11/fvwm95/system.fvm95rc-menu saying 
that using Read() in the configuration file breaks TaskBar. But switching form 
Read to FwmM4 makes TaskBar work again!

If this was already obvious, I'm sorry but I didn't find it in any document.


"I'ho tanti vocavoli nella mia lingua materna, ch'io m'ho piu' tosto da dolere 
del bene intendere le cose, che dal mancamento delle parole, colle quali
io possa espriemere il concetto della mente mia." Leonardo Da Vinci

Graziano Obertelli 
Lab's phone: (619) 534 9669

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