I've got a P-150 that is running Potato and kernel 2.2.10. 
It acts as a IP-Masquerading router, a Samba server, an NFS server,
and serves other misc roles. I've been having some problems
with it lately:

1. I get the message "eth1: Something Wicked Happened! 2008"
printed on the console. This also happens on another box I've
got. Both have D-Link ethernet cards, and use the via-rhine
module. I grepped the kernel source, and that message seems
to indicate some type of status code that the driver doesn't
recognize. Has anyone seen this message before and/or had
it cause any adverse effects?

2. I can't open TCP connections to any host on the Internet
when directly logged into the gateway box. Its uptime is 
around 27 days, and this has just recently began happening. 
Things work fine from the Debian and Win98 PCs I've got that 
use it as a gateway. I can ping hosts OK from the gateway, 
so the route information is OK. Any ideas here?

3. I use qmail as the mailer for the gateway box
and the Debian box hooked up to it, and also store mail
in my home directory in Maildir format. The workstation
mounts its /home over NFS from the server, and folders 
load incredibly slowly with mutt. (15-20 seconds for
around 1000 messages). Are there any performance tweaks
for NFS and/or Maildir that anyone knows about? (Other
than not to use them in combination :-))

Thanks for any info on the above problems.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster - http://www.mschess.org

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