Hey!  I am a total newbie too..  I installed my Debian at Xmas time and still mucking around with it.  Some advise may come useful but may not. 
When I first installed it no cards were detected and therefore no modules (drivers as I understand it) for my cards were detected.  I couldn't get the packages (applications) at offer because I couldn't connect to the Internet.  I just down loaded them from my windows machine on the Internet and burnt them into CD and installed them on my new Linux machine via the CD as I needed them.  (I was going slowly through an on line manual).  When I did some more reading on my network card I found the right drivers (modules) and got my network working and could ping my windows machine that was on the Internet.  I then got stuck with some configuration and decided to reloaded again from scratch.  What took me 2 months earlier took me a couple of hours (must have learnt heaps).  I had my windows machine connected to the Internet using Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) and the packages down loaded well to my Linux box on the network.  Only thing I still have to do is ping my Linux box from my windows machine under a dos prompt before my Linux machine will connect to the ftp site.  But that's another story.
My advise to you is find out exactly what cards you have and what modules (drivers) you need to install during the installation to connect to the Internet.  You should recognise it when you get there because it will ask you about modules.  It will save you a lot of time.
Please note: I have used this List and a newsgroup extensively and I am a real newbie but if I knew what modules I needed for my cards I would have saved heaps of time.  The Howto's supplied really aren't made for total newbies or newbies as dumb as me :)
Good luck but I think it has been fun for me and worth the experience.  Just my wife doesn't think so.
Cheers Al
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 10:56 PM
Subject: Total Newbie To Debian Linux

Hello. I do not know if this is for the right mailing list channel, but i thought that i would post it in here. Bascially i am a total newbie to Linux. A friend total me about it over the internet and he says the Debian Linux is a good Linux to start with. Well i have not got any idea how to install it, or how to set about setting it all up. So this is where you guys come in. Please could you point me in the right direction to answering the following questions below:
1. How do i get a copy of Debian Linux? (The exact place).
2. How do i go about installing it?
3. Once installed how do i got about setting it up?
4. How do i go about using Linux?
Just about it information about me. I am an ex-windows 3.11, 95, 98, and ME user. I am also an ex-DOS user as well. I am totally new to all of this and i went to get into it ASAP.
I hope that you can help me!!
Regards Kevin.

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