Hi all!

I'm using VirtualBox OSE on a host without a GUI and I'm trying to
connect via VNC to install a VM with Debian Squeeze. The syntax I use on
VirtualBox OSE to start the VM is the following:

$ VBoxHeadless -startvm Debian --vnc --vncport 5901

When I get the hostname configuration screen, seems not to receive
keystrokes. What does not work is to write the hostname, but I can use
the arrow keys to go back or continue. ALT+Shift gets the keyboard
numbers and letters working again [1]. Then I can enter Capital and
press Caps Lock again and it return to normal.

But it seems that the keyboard is misconfigured. I have a spanish
keyboard and, for example, if I type ":" I get an "Ñ", or pressing ")" I
get an "=".

I tried several clients (xtightvncviewer and xvnc4viewer) and I found the
same behavior on VirtualBox 3.2.4 (Lenny Backports) and VirtualBox
3.2.10 (Squeeze).

Has anyone experienced this behavior and was able to resolve in any way?

Thanks in advance.


[1] http://forums.freebsd.org/showthread.php?t=26159
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