Does nobody care for Open Hardware?

The Open Hardware campaign ( seems to have
fallen asleep.  It is a very meaningful campaign, but it is not well
organized.  There is no mailing list associated with it.  There is no
bazar being built around it, no mailing list, no links to any other sites. gains a lot by cross-linking to many sites. uses the basar method by creating mailing lists for
everything.  We need people who pull in manufacturers of de facto open
hardware into the campaign, do rankings, put links to sites of hardware
that is already quite open, advertise for them, make them feel that
getting this logo enhances their reputation, push the logo onto websites
(they run on hardware which may be open, too) and into markets etc, rather
than just display an "Open Hardware Catalogue" with one single multiserial
board in it, one single person in charge of it and repeated statements
such as "it is free of charge" which nobody asked for and which only
signal a lack of confidence in the value of what one is doing. Why
shouldn't hardware vendors who bother to open up documentation be willing
to donate for a campaign that promotes this idea as a decisive quality
criterion?  Isn't it negative advertisement for the vendor if you tell
people that he did something without paying, totally non-committal?

I would participate in an Open Hardware campaign mailing list, who else?

|Hartmut Pilch M.A. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                      PEI2    , Han2mu4  
|MA, state-examined and court-authorized translator   =||=  ,---,  |  /__ |
|for German, Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin+Cantonese+)  -||-   ##   /+-/ /  |
|adr: DE 80636 [Munich] Blutenburgstr. 17             -*--  ----   |  x   |
|tel: +49891278960-8 fax -9,        /|\*  / .\  /| / \  |
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