Anyone out there bee using YARD DBMS trouble-free on Linux?

I'm getting more or less nowhere.

Version 1: 4.02.00 of 08 March 1996 (installed off SuSE-5.1 CD
pre-packed). This one is simply obstinate about doing the right thing or
completing operations, especially in yardxsql. On the whole I'm going
round in circles with this one.

Version 2: 4.05.1 installed strictly following instructions from the cpio
archive from the YARD ftp site  priv_4.05.1_PCPentium_Linux2.0.33.cpio.gz
With this one I cannot even initialise it ("other users are still active"
even though no user has even started to use it).

If anyone has been here before me and found a way round it, or can assure
me that it's not worth trying, I'd be pleased to hear.

I'm using a 5.1 SuSE system, kernel 2.0.34

With thanks,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 23-Feb-99                                       Time: 02:33:41
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