I have been trying to install from Debian Sid a new (purged all of the old stuff) Zope & it simply does not work. I have had it running in the past but sometome ago lost interst in it. I now want to see how it stacks up (2 years later) as a CMT suystem. I can only get the same message that it's connection is beiong refused by the server. I am using apache 1.3 vanilla from sid with no known complications there. I even tried stripping all entries of "zope" including old directories off the disk before installing. Same result. I noticed that the bug list output says this zope will not start on sparc servers. I am using AMD so that should not be the issue. I know its sid but I have been using sid apps for many months and by allowing apt-get listbugs to be my guide I have had very few problems. I did notice that the install said that there was no place for $INSTANCE_HOME but I checked and it is there; only there is nothing in the directory.
Any ideas will be appreciated. I hate to file bug reports unless I am certain that this is one.
BTW; following someones elses advice I did not install the zope ldap module. Though I have never had any issues with LDAP.
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems

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