Does ~./xsession behave differently for startx and xdm ?. because i never
had a problem login in
as user via xdm and if ~./xsession was holding startx up i would have
thought the same would happen in xdm.

Im aware of how to run stuff through ~./xsession ( i think :)

i have

/usr/local/bin/chbg &        ( background changer )

in ~./xsession

unfortunately ( or fortunately ) the problem has since resolved itself. An
upgrade or change i made i guess.

thanx for the feedback all the same

vesko wrote:

> Hi ,
> I'm not sure, but way don't you check the ~/.xsession file.
> It could happen if you start xclock ,  xterm etc.  without the & at the
> end ,  so you need to hit ctrl-c to stop them in order to get to the
> window manager (the last thing you start - it is without  &)
> e.g.
> ---------------------------------------------
> # Something to keep track of time...
> xclock -bg black -fg green -update 1 -digital -geometry 150x40+1130+1000
> &
> #
> ->->->                     ->->->                     i mean this ^^^
> # And finally, the most important part of any GUI, the command-line
> interface.
> # Note that for xterm the geometry dimensions are expressed in character
> # cells, not pixels (e.g., 80x24).
>  xterm -title "Debian GNU/Linux" -ls -bg Grey -geometry 80x24+70+135 &
> # the xconsole
> xconsole -file /dev/xconsole -bg black -fg darkseagreen -geometry
> 550x70+0+930 &
> # Now execute the window manager and we'll be on our way.  Most people
> have
> # window managers they like better than twm -- install the corresponding
> # Debian package and edit the following line appropriately if you're one
> of
> # them.
> exec wmaker
> ---------------------------------------------
> It is ok for the root because it uses different  ~/.xsession file.
> (Compare the two files.)
> hope it helps
> vesko

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