Am Freitag 08 Oktober 2004 18:43 schrieb gerhard:
> Now I started a download of an rpm which contains
>0.pre2.1.i386.rpm 20-Jan-2004 09:28  8.8M
> I don't know how to handle that, because I already got a running
> gimp-2.04. I'm simply interested in getting the plugin named
> "Seperate" from to work for my
> version of the gimp.

Hello again,

To copy the libs of that rpm to the library path /usr/lib is not an 
applicable way, because the plugin protocol of the GIMP changed. Due to 
this I received a bunch of error messages:

(process:23615): LibGimp-ERROR (recursed) **: unexpected message: 5
(gimp:23051): Gimp-Plug-In-WARNING **: gimp: plug_in_flush(): error: 
Broken pipe

and some notifications:

Separate (normal) Message
Could not execute plug-in 
"separate" (/home/gerhard/.gimp-2.0/plug-ins/separate) because it uses 
an obsolete version of the plug-in protocol.


GIMP Message

Plug-in crashed: "saparate"

The dying Plug-in may have messed up GIMP's internal state. You may want 
to save your images and restart GIMP to be on the safe side.

So I have to compile it from source.

Alastair, please is it possible to host your project on sourceforge to 
make it easier to develope it by other developer, because you mentioned 
that you got no time to maintain the source?

I will try to figure out what I need to change in the Makefile to 
compile it for the GIMP 2.04 on debian SID.

Kind regards

Gerhard Gaussling

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