Hi folks, it's your friendly neighborhood X maintainer.

I do not have access to a bo machine on which to compile a security release
of XFree86 (3.3 plus the recent security patches for xterm and libXaw).  It
is rather important that I find one.

If you have such a machine and are willing to help, here's what is needed.

1) I need a non-root-privileged account on the machine.
2) At least 600 MB free disk space on one partition.  This will all be
returned once the build is tested successfully.
3) Willingness to install, if only for the duration of work on the package,
whatever packages I need to build X with.  fakeroot is the only one I can
think of that might be considered unusual (I hope there is a bo version).
4) Ideally, at least a Pentium/K6 200 and 32 megs of RAM
5) A better than dialup speed internet connection

Items 1-3 are mandatory, 4 and 5 are heavily preferred.  Hopefully I'll
only need the machine for about 6 hours (give or take compile time), but it
could stretch into a couple of days if there are big problems.

Whoever can help me out with this will receive due credit and recognition.

Please email me personally if you would like to help.

Thanks in advance for helping keep bo secure.

G. Branden Robinson                 |      "To be is to do"   -- Plato
Purdue University                   |      "To do is to be"   -- Aristotle
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  |      "Do be do be do"   -- Sinatra
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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