I'm looking for a colorscheme for my xterm+vim combination which has not
the same contrast as black background and white foreground fonts. 
I tried some colorschemes, but they only work well with gvim. After
googling a bit around, I tried to set my xterm with other colors, but
this breaks the colors in other programs (eg. mutt), which is not what I want. 
Some links pointed me to a self compiled xterm, which I now have and it
has 256 color support (dunno why debian xterm doesn't support 256
colors). The tests in the vttest directory are working very well. 

I tried to add more colors to my .Xdefault file, like:
  !XTerm*background: DarkSlateGray 
  XTerm*color20: MidnightBlue 
  XTerm*color21: LightGreen
and reference them in vim like:

  hi Normal ctermfg=Black ctermbg=20 guifg=Black guibg=grey20

This isn't working unfortunately and I dunno any further solutions.
Maybe it isn't working at all, that I see the same colorscheme in xterm
as in gvim. Does somebody know, what I missed or have a nice working
xterm+vim and can give me a push in the right direction?

Roman Joost
www: http://www.romanofski.de

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