I'm running Lyx 1.1.16fix1, using sgmltools under the DocBook class to
translate my sgml class document to other formats.  Regardless of what I do
to view or export the text, I get an error stating:

File "/usr/lib/sgml/misc/sgmltools/python/utils.py", 
                                     line 250, in _searchInCat

(I put in the return to keep things within normal column limits.)  

Does anyone know what the problem is with this?  Is there more information I
could provide to help?

It is not so very important for a person to learn facts.  For that he
doesn't really need a college education, for he can learn them from
books.  The value of an education in a liberal arts college is not the
learning of many facts but the training of the mind to thinking--something
that cannot be learned from books.     Albert Einstein

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