I installed esound and tried to get amp to work with esd... but I can't figure
out how. Plus, now I found out that esdplay doesn't even work.

I can play sounds with esdplay when no esd daemon is running in the
background... but whenever esd is running, it just exits immediately and no
sound is played. Also, esdctl with any command simply exits without printing a
single message.

Documentation is scarce, so I've no idea what options I'm supposed to use for
esd. Also, my original intention is simply to multiplex /dev/dsp... I'd
appreciate it if someone could give me more detailed instructions than the
scarce docs I can find, for doing this. What exactly must I pass as options to
esd, what environment variables are required, etc..?

I'm using kernel 2.2.12... does anybody know if this is actually compatible
with esd??? (Though I've no reason to believe it's incompatible, since esdplay
works fine when esd isn't running in the background.)


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