Hi All

I know that there is a bug reported  to gnome.org for  gmenu Nº 29855. If
you are root and try to add a new menu item the application crashes even
when you only select the point where you can insert the new item. Though in
my case in a previous instalation (but wihtout USB support for a 2.2.17
Kernel) the error did not occur.

I don`t know if the problem is resolved by gnome.org but i want to know if
there is a config file or somehing where i can modify manually the actual
menu item for the desktop.


Jose Fernando Carvajal Vión
SOLUZIONA Software Factory
Servicios Profesionales de Unión Fenosa
C/ Pedro Teixeira, 8 - 28020 Madrid
Teléfono: +34 91 555 33 61  Fax: +34 91 597 05 62


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