This is not another question about how to install gnucash 1.6.x on woody.
There have been a few recent threads which answer this question.  My
question is: when woody is released as stable, is there any chance that
it will include a modern gnucash?  Woody currently has gnucash 1.3.4
which is an experimental developers release from March 2000.  Since that
time, unstable has had at least a few 1.4.x and 1.6.x releases which
have not migrated to testing.

What is it that keeps a new gnucash out of testing?  I know that the
version of gnucash currently in unstable has unresolvable dependencies,
but when the package maintainer is available I'm sure these will be
resolved.  According to testing's update excuses, it appears to me that
the biggest hurdle is gnucash's dependency on guile1.4/libguile9.
So what is it that keeps libguile9 out of testing?  Is it because
libguile9 (unstable) conflicts with libguile6 (testing)?  I notice
that there are many packages in unstable that are kept back from testing
because of their dependency on libguile9.


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