
I've got lprng (3.6.20-1) installed on several machines, with one
machine acting as a central print server for the others (all of
the clients "print" to the server and the server actually sends
the jobs to the printers).  The problem is that when a user types
lpq, it only shows the jobs that are associated with their local
lpd, not the full set of jobs being printed / spooled on the server.

Does anyone know how to configure lprng / lpr so that a remote lpq
on a client shows the jobs being printed on the server?


Christopher S. Swingley           tel:   907-474-2689
Programmer / Analyst              email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, AK  99775              www.frontier.iarc.uaf.edu/~cswingle

PGP2 key:   http://www.frontier.iarc.uaf.edu/~cswingle/pgpkey.asc
GNUPG key:  http://www.frontier.iarc.uaf.edu/~cswingle/gnupgkey.asc

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