On Mon, 14 Oct 1996 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have noticed some of those 33.6kbps internal modems for pretty > cheap at the local electronics outlets, and I was wondering if anyone > knows if any of these will work with Debian. The hardware > compatibility list seems to suggest that just about any modem will > work. Anyone have any thoughts on this subject? Any *modem* should work. However, manufacturers are currently stretching the meaning of the word "modem". If it's a modem with hardware built-in compression, error-correction, etc., you are fine. If, however, it's a RPI modem or if it's something like the USR sportster "winmodem", which only works under Windows, no way. The problem is that these modems are crippled since they don't have everything they need in order to work, and so they use the computer's CPU to perform some basic tasks. This is only possible through a software driver specially designed for them. Since the technical data about that is not published, linux can't work with them. I think there are no RPI modems faster than 14400, but you never know... Check the box of the modem. If it says something like "designed for Windows" or "software-based error correction" or "windows driver included", you are out of luck. If, however, it says about "v42bis", error correction, etc with no mention to software drivers, you're probably ok (they may include windows software like QuickLink, but these are not drivers so no problem, you just throw the disks out the window). See ya, Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]