   I'm attempting to create mail archives automatically from some mail
inboxes using hypermail in a cron script.  This works fine, until it comes
time to make them available on our Novell based web server.

I can ncpmount the files OK (though I don't understand what changes files
from appearing in upper to appearing in lower case)
When I try using hypermail I get errors about not being able to write files -
it doesn't say why.  When I create on a local disk using hypermail and then
copying across with cp -R I get errors about not being able to write with the
long file names (I guess this means *.html)

hypermail error  -

# hypermail -m /var/spool/mail/rhelp \
-d /mnt/plato/sys/etc/httpd/htdocs/robertk/r/help/98b -l \
"R-help archive July - December 1998" -t "/home/king/R/r_archive_header.html"
hypermail: Couldn't write 

cp error - 
cp: cannot create regular file
`/mnt/plato/sys/etc/httpd/htdocs/robertk/r/help/98a/0472.html': File name too

Is there an ncpfs list where this question would be more appropriate?

version: 1.02

ncpfs version

debian version hamm, kernel 2.1.125 (compiled locally)


Robert King, || The Society for the Preservation of Tithesis commends your 
Environmental|| ebriated and scrutable use of "delible" and "defatigable", 
Science,     || which are gainly, sipid and couth.  We are gruntled and 
Griffith Uni,|| consolate that you have the ertia and eptitude to choose such 
Australia    || putably pensible tithesis, which we parage. - Evan Kirshenbaum

    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.ens.gu.edu.au/robertk/index.htm

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