I would suggest to include ACE into the debian distribution. ACE and TAO
implement platform independant interprocess and intercomputer
communication. TAO is a CORBA impementation.
They have great API to multithreding, shared libs, etc. too

Somebody should really care about it,.. I think its better than omniorb. 
Here is the url:

Best Regards

                         S E L I M   I S S E V E R
DESY-F15, Notkestr. 85, 22603 Hamburg, Germany; Tel/Fax: 040 8998-2843/4033
http://www.physik.uni-dortmund.de/~issevers;          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           Ete kemige burundum, Yunus diye gorundum. Yunus Emre

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