I am trying to install openldap-2.3.17(stable) because I need some
features (smbk5passwd) which are not present in debian stable or
testing packages. It builds fine on sarge, but I am concerned about
future upgrades and debian packages that depend on ldap libraries

What would be the best way to deal with non debian sources:

a) openldap installs in /usr/local/[bin|lib|include|..etc] by default,
so I leave it there (then it would not be in the way of possible
future debian package). Then, make symbolic links from
/usr/local/lib/* and /usr/local/include/* to proper debian locations.
Then, make three dummy packages with equivs that provide same things
that debian ldap packages provide (slapd, tools, ldap libraries) so
other ldap dependant packages work. I am especially concerned with
ldap shared libraries, and whether symbolic links to proper locations
is all that it takes to make other dependant packages install and

b) install openldap in /usr/local/..., but install debian ldap
libraries so other packages that are depending on them would install
or work

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