Hi all!

I have two PCMCIA ethernet cards, both on the list of supported cards
for pcmcia-cs, and one works fine but the other does not seem to be

The details:
  Computer:   Toshiba Tecra 730CDT
  Cards:      Linksys EthernetCard Model No. EC2T (works)
              Megahertz PCMCIA Ethernet Model XJ10BT or XJ10BC
                (It says XJ10BT on the box.  I think that XJ10BC is the
                 same card but with a dongle for 10Base2.)
  Kernel:     2.0.32 with Tecra patch, built with default Debian options.
  Software:   pcmcia-cs             2.9.12-2
              pcmcia-modules-2.0.32 2.9.12-2

The Linksys card works fine, but when I insert the Megahertz card I
get two beeps, one high, one low, followed by the following message on
the xconsole:

  Jan 22 19:54:37 globe cardmgr[88]: initializing socket 1
  Jan 22 19:54:37 globe cardmgr[88]: unsupported card in socket 1
  Jan 22 19:54:37 globe cardmgr[88]: version info: "Meg", "", "@", ""
  Jan 22 19:54:37 globe cardmgr[88]: manfid: 0x0128, 0x0103

I had the same behavior in bo (using pcmcia-cs_2.9.6-3 and
pcmcia-modules-2.0.29-7_2.9.6-3) except that I only got one beep (low)
before the above message appeared.

/usr/doc/pcmcia-cs/SUPPORTED.CARDS.gz contains the following entry
in the list of supported cards:

  Megahertz XJ10BT, CC10BT Ethernet

I checked out David Hinds' site
and didn't find any problems reported against this card.

Any suggestions?

Kirk Hilliard

P.S.  The Linksys card is physically damaged and I need to prop
      popsicle sticks under the connector to make it work, so I would
      like to get the Megahertz working.  Besides, I want to see how
      well that cool looking XJack works in practice.

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