Fellow debian users,

I just upgraded my laptop (Dell Inspiron 3.5K) from 2.0 to 2.1.
Upgrade went smoothly apart from one problem. Previously my ppp
setup worked like a charm. Now I get the following error when
calling pon :

 Aug 12 09:28:58 csnote pppd[256]: pppd 2.3.5 started by csoelle, uid 1000
 Aug 12 09:28:58 csnote pppd[256]: tcgetattr: Input/output error(5)
 Aug 12 09:28:59 csnote pppd[256]: Exit.

I checked that the setup files are still correct. I have kept my
custom compiled 2.0.34 kernel so far and did an 'update-modules'
after converting files to the new modutils layout. My ethernet
PCMCIA card is still working fine with the new setup.

Any hints where to start looking for the problem?


Christian Soeller                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Physiology              U. Auckland School of Medicine         
Auckland                         New Zealand

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