
We are having a problem with submitting batch jobs using the at command. 

When the batch job is submitted by a user whose name is in 
/var/adm/cron/at.allow the following error is displayed and the command 
does not get executed. But when the same job is submitted by root the 
command gets executed but the error is displayed.

The error displayed is a follows :

sh[28]: ulimit: The specified value exceeds the user's allowable limit.

Cron: The previous message is the standard output
      and standard error of one of your at commands.

The job is submitted in the following way :

at now +1 minutes <t
(where t is a file containing "ls -lt" command )

Even if "at now <t" is submitted the same error is displayed.

Please help me out at the earliest.

Thanks in advance.


Roy D'souza
System Administrator

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