my logs. big. lots of stuff. meanings escape me.

i can configure what gets logged or not via the syslog.conf
files, but when a program logs something, it's not relevant
to the logger itself.

i know what RTFM means... so rWfm means "read _which_ manual?"


A) ipfwadm logging:

in my syslog i see that ipfwadm spits out (because of its
"-o" option) text like this:

        May  3 18:48:53 www kernel: IP fw-fwd deny eth1 
                L=48 S=0x00 I=2471 F=0x0040 T=254

'man ipfwadm' says "-o logs via klogd" but not what the output is.

where do i find out what the L= S= I= F= and T= mean?
is the first #.#.#.# source and the second #.#.#.# destination
or vice-versa?


B) named/bind/dns logging:

B.1) no TTL?

when 'ndc reload' generates errors in the log like this

        May  3 06:46:15 server named[19322]: 
                Zone "" (file /etc/bind/myserver): 
                No default TTL set using SOA minimum instead

although the zone file has all five values in it,

@   IN   SOA (
                   200004191       ; Serial
                   8H              ; Refresh
                   2H              ; Retry
                   1W              ; Expire
                   1D )            ; Default TTL
         TXT          "my web site"
www      CNAME        @
ns       A  

where do i look, so i'll know if it's okay to ignore this 
"no TTL" message?


then, named, in its normal course of events, logs messages
like this now and then (hourly, in fact--but not via crontab):

        Apr 12 22:21:08 server named[19322]: 
                NSTATS 955596068 955588868 A=1 MX=4

('man named' gives me the old-style named configuration info:
after an "apt-get" i've got a named that now looks in /etc/bind/*
instead of /etc/named.conf; plus, there's no "log" directives
in the old file, anyway... and 'ndc /help' yields an error?)

how do i find out what this means?

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