I didn't know printtool existed for Debian, although I did use printtool
when I ran Red Hat. For Debian, try running magicfilter. I have an HP
DeskJet 812C (the same printer, just a different number painted on) and
magicfilter set it up nicely on my Debian potato box. 

Make sure you have magicfilter installed (apt-get install magicfilter).
You will also need the lpr package installed. When these are in, as
root/su, run:

/usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig --force

and enter the info it asks for. On my system, I have a spool directory
of /var/spool/lpd/hpdj812c installed. You may have to create this
yourself beforehand. (you can name yours whatever you want, it doesn't
have to be hpdj812c. Just remember the name for when you run

For your ghostscript filter, choose dj550c. The colors don't print
perfectly, but text works fine. There are no perfect drivers for this
printer that I know of for colors.

For your device path, use /dev/lp0.

Good luck!
James Lindenschmidt

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