
i figured it out--(since i dual boot with loadlin, i
shouldn't have been focusing on lilo.  i realized the
directory from where my old 2.0.36 kernel was booting
and copied the new kernel there).  oh, well...




cls--colo spgs wrote:
> debs,
> wanting to fully migrate from the 2.0.36 kernel, i need
> to install a "floppy," custom 2.2.16 kernel on my
> dual-boot, potato deskbox.
> here's what i did to customize the kernel:
> make menuconfig
> make dep
> make install
> make modules
> make modules_install
> i rtmfm (oops, rtfm), which says to run "make bzlilo"
> and run "lilo" on it (?) or run "lilo" directly.
> running "lilo" gives a "segmentation fault" error;
> running "make bzlilo," errors 2 and 139.  (attached is
> everything that happened from that command.)
> if it matters, here's my "empty" /etc/lilo.conf:
> #
> # This is an empty lilo.conf file distributed with the
> Debian GNU/Linux
> # package of lilo. You should normaly dont see this
> file, since it is
> # replaced by a new copy at installation time of the
> packet.
> #
> # You can run /usr/sbin/liloconfig to generate a new
> config file, which will
> # probably suit your needs.
> #
> # Wed,  9 Dec 1998 02:26:20 +0100  Bernd Eckenfels
> #
> # Note: /usr/sbin/liloconf will consider all files
> which contain only
> #       comments as non-existant and generate new ones
> #
> plz un-"dense" me.
> ia, t.
> bentley taylor.
> //

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