Can someone help me with a diald problem?

I have a full slink install on my "server" and was trying to get diald setup on
it.  I have setup the diald.options file to connect using the pon method.  It
seems to connect fine, but hangs on makeing the link.

I"ve attached a syslog output of diald and my diald.options.  Can someone help
me get this to work.  This machine is still running a 2.0.36 kernel.



Your aims are high, and you are capable of much.

Jan 25 14:11:16 debian-server diald[190]: Running connect (pid = 477).
Jan 25 14:11:16 debian-server chat[477]: abort on (BUSY)
Jan 25 14:11:16 debian-server chat[477]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Jan 25 14:11:16 debian-server chat[477]: abort on (VOICE)
Jan 25 14:11:16 debian-server chat[477]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Jan 25 14:11:16 debian-server chat[477]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
Jan 25 14:11:16 debian-server chat[477]: send (ATZ^M)
Jan 25 14:11:16 debian-server chat[477]: expect (OK)
Jan 25 14:11:16 debian-server chat[477]: ATZ^M^M
Jan 25 14:11:16 debian-server chat[477]: OK
Jan 25 14:11:16 debian-server chat[477]:  -- got it
Jan 25 14:11:16 debian-server chat[477]: send (ATDT2528294^M)
Jan 25 14:11:16 debian-server chat[477]: expect (CONNECT)
Jan 25 14:11:16 debian-server chat[477]: ^M
Jan 25 14:11:44 debian-server chat[477]: ATDT2528294^M^M
Jan 25 14:11:44 debian-server chat[477]: CONNECT
Jan 25 14:11:44 debian-server chat[477]:  -- got it
Jan 25 14:11:44 debian-server chat[477]: send (^M)
Jan 25 14:11:44 debian-server chat[477]: expect (name:)
Jan 25 14:11:44 debian-server chat[477]:  32000 V42bis^M
Jan 25 14:11:44 debian-server chat[477]: ^M
Jan 25 14:11:44 debian-server chat[477]: NAS08CAE line 84 ^M
Jan 25 14:11:44 debian-server chat[477]: ^M
Jan 25 14:11:44 debian-server chat[477]: ^M
Jan 25 14:11:44 debian-server chat[477]: User Access Verification^M
Jan 25 14:11:44 debian-server chat[477]: ^M
Jan 25 14:11:44 debian-server chat[477]: Username:
Jan 25 14:11:44 debian-server chat[477]:  -- got it
Jan 25 14:11:44 debian-server chat[477]: send (??????)
Jan 25 14:11:46 debian-server chat[477]: expect (ssword:)
Jan 25 14:11:46 debian-server chat[477]:  wax_man^M
Jan 25 14:11:46 debian-server chat[477]: Password:
Jan 25 14:11:46 debian-server chat[477]:  -- got it
Jan 25 14:11:46 debian-server chat[477]: send (??????)
Jan 25 14:11:46 debian-server chat[477]: send (\d)
Jan 25 14:11:47 debian-server diald[190]: Running pppd (pid = 480).
Jan 25 14:11:47 debian-server diald[480]: Running pppd: /usr/sbin/pppd -detach 
modem crtscts mtu 1500 mru 1500 netmask
Jan 25 14:11:47 debian-server pppd[480]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
Jan 25 14:11:47 debian-server pppd[480]: Using interface ppp0
Jan 25 14:11:47 debian-server pppd[480]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS2
Jan 25 14:12:17 debian-server pppd[480]: Connection terminated.
Jan 25 14:12:18 debian-server pppd[480]: Exit.
Jan 25 14:12:20 debian-server diald[190]: Delaying 30 seconds before clear to 

# /etc/diald/diald.options
#	$Id: diald.options,v 1.19 1998/08/10 06:27:44 phil Exp $	
# Sample diald.options -- works for PPP links and fixed IP
# Edit to match your set up.

# This is the port the modem is connected to.
# *** MODIFY to match your set up ***
# See the file /usr/doc/diald/debian.device.gz for discussion about
# the use of /dev/ttyS? instead of /dev/cua?.
##device /dev/ttyS1
device /dev/modem

# diald log file: do not change.
accounting-log /var/log/diald.log

# diald monitoring pipe: do not change.
fifo /var/run/diald.fifo

# This turns on full debugging.
#debug 31

# We have PPP
mode ppp

# IP number for
# IP number for the provider's machine. This is different each time we connect.
# This is not a problem, but it'll make the routine table look funny.

# If the connection gets broken from the ISP, redial only
# if there's outgoing traffic from our side.

# When the link's up, change routes to point to the real link
# instead of the proxy.

# diald should set a default route to the proxy SLIP link.

# These two scripts must be executable.
#ip-up /etc/diald/ip-up
#ip-down /etc/diald/ip-down

# Scripts used to bring up/shut down the serial line.
connect "chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider"
##connect "/etc/diald/connect"
##disconnect "/etc/ppp/ppp-disconnect"

# Do UUCP locking.

# We connect through a modem.

# Local tweaking
connect-timeout 90
dial-fail-limit 2
died-retry-count 0

# Dutch PTT timetable: same charge for 2.5 (peak) 5 (night) minutes.
#impulse 280,20
#restrict 08:00:00 18:00:00 1-5 * *
#impulse 130,20

include /etc/diald/standard.filter

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