
        Just a few q's about why I should upgrade to hamm (Debain 2.0).

Are there any issues on what software I can and can't run when doing the 
libc5-libc6 upgrade?  I know this is an old subject, but i've never 
really got a plain english answer as to what are the issues.

I tried upgrading my box at work (dual boot) using autoup.sh, but of 
course we're stuck with MS i.e. 3, so instead of downloading relevant 
*.debs as blah.blah.blah I got blah_blah.blah, which buggered up 
autoup.sh.  I then tried upgrading by hand, unsuccesfully, as I could 
not find a clear explanation of how to do it by hand (the libc5-libc6 
mini-howto just didn't work - no end of crap got broke and it's taking 
me hours just to sort thins out one at a time [yes, i did run dselect 
after the initial upgrade sveral times...]).

So, my machines at home - I've got hold of Linux Actual's (spain) deb 
2.0 CDs, but just what will I get by upgrading?  Will my ppp setup 
continue working? Staroffice 4.0? Netscape?

An idiots guide appreciated! I'm not a complete novice, but my single 
upgrade attempt broke big-time and 'once bitten twice shy' as they say,

Guidance gratefully received,


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