i've had debian installed on my compaq 486 lte laptop for a few weeks
now, and i've just started experiencing a problem where all of a sudden
all of my virtual terminals will start wrapping the text funny.

basically, the text will either begin in the middle of the screen and
wrap around to the middle of the screen on the next line; or my text
will be flush left, but the cursor will be hanging out in mid-air in
the middle of the screen (the actual text will still appear flush left,
with the cursor still hopping around in the middle).  

i've attempted:

- logging out and logging in again (to no avail)
- typing: reset (to no avail)
- typing: echo C-v Esc c (to no avail)
- C-l and clear (to no avail)

it seems that this mostly happens when i'm viewing text with less
(through man or perldoc) or with a text-editor (jove or vi).  but i
can't pinpoint, yet, the exact circumstances.  and sometimes it'll just
all of a sudden go back to normal.

is there a line width environment variable (my $TERM is set to linux)? 
or some kind of all-powerful terminal reset?  help!

thank you in advance! 

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