You have been appr...

2004-05-19 Conversa wdbbjvohxbrtca
Greetings, This is an email to notify you that you have been accepted into our "Lowest_Mortgage_Rate" program. Please visit the following link to complete your application which has been pre-approved. Thank You Armand Senior Mortgage Consultant


2004-05-19 Conversa Aida
Marvin Parsons,& The [EMAIL PROTECTED] will all0w you to receive all the [EMAIL PROTECTED] that you 0rder with your remote contr0l,{ payperviews,XXX-movies,sp0rt events,special-events%,RND_SYB restaurant ,amulet ,aldrin ,debility .

El Consell de ministres de la UE aprova la legalització d e les patents de programari i l'estat Espanyol s'hi oposa

2004-05-19 Conversa Xavi Drudis Ferran
Perdó si rebeu aquest ntoa altre cop. Hi ha hagut correccions. [1]Caliu [2]Campanya contra les patents de programari _ El Consell de ministres de la UE aprova la legalització de les patents de programa

Gestió d'entorns de xarxa

2004-05-19 Conversa Ferriol
Holes... Hi ha algun programa de gestió de xarxa en entron gràfic que faci la mateixa funció que el netenv, és a dir, que et permeti carregar diferents configuracions de ip, gateways,... Au, salut i amor !

[no subject]

2004-05-19 Conversa Grady C.
Good day! I sent you an email 2 days ago and I want to confirm things. We have decided to accept your mórtgage applicatíon. Your Past crédit is not a factor with us. We are willing to give you a $377,116 loan with a $244/month payment. Your Approval is determined within 1 minute. To Take Advan

Re: backscatter bolivar

2004-05-19 Conversa Roosevelt Grayson
Finally, a mo.rtgage   l o an that works on your terms. We can lower your monthly payments by up to 45% vs. traditional   loa ns. There is no or obliga.tion, so now. Get a decision in seconds! rem ve jmhlajgr bmjnkgh qgpxco, cteiqgpt kpyxgsh zzaihe rxhmg. a