(A quasi 10 anys del debat sobre el programari d'inici)
«Devuan GNU+Linux is a fork of Debian without systemd»

-------- Missatge reenviat --------
Assumpte: [devuan] Devuan 5.0.0 Daedalus release
Data: Tue, 15 Aug 2023 17:22:20 +0200
De: Subscribe to receive announcements about Devuan <devuan-annou...@lists.dyne.org>
Respon a: onel...@devuan.org, devuan-annou...@lists.dyne.org
A: devuan-annou...@lists.dyne.org

Dear Friends and Software Freedom Lovers,

Devuan Developers are delighted to announce the release of Devuan Daedalus
5.0.0 as the project's new stable release. This is the result of many months
of painstaking work by the Team and detailed testing by the wider Devuan

# Devuan 5 Daedalus Release Notes

## Index

 - Introduction
 - New in this Release
     + Rootless startx uses libseat1
     + Sway (wayland) GUI without elogind
 - Getting Devuan 5 Daedalus
 - Upgrading to Devuan 5 Daedalus
 - Notes on Specific Packages and Issues
     + Consolekit
 - Devuan Package Repositories
 - Non-free-firmware
 - Devuan package information pages
 - Reporting bugs

## Introduction

This document includes technical notes relevant to Devuan 5 Daedalus.

Devuan 5 Daedalus is based on Debian 12 Bookworm. Much of the information in
[Debian's Release Notes](https://www.debian.org/releases/bookworm/releasenotes)
is relevant and useful. They should be consulted alongside this document.

More information and support on specific issues can be obtained by:

- subscribing to the [DNG mailing

- visiting the [Devuan user forum](https://dev1galaxy.org)

- asking on one of the [Devuan IRC channels](irc://irc.libera.chat) on libera.chat:

  * `#devuan` - general discussion and support about Devuan
  * `#devuan-arm` - specific support for ARM

## New in this Release
### Rootless startx uses libseat1

xserver-xorg-core now uses libseat1 to control rootless startx and access to
input and video devices. This has several advantages, the most significant being
that it removes the dbus dependency from xserver-xorg-core.

libseat1 can use either seatd or elogind as a
backend. If you need to override the default choice (autodiscovery), use the
LIBSEAT_BACKEND environment variable.

If you are using seatd as the backend, ensure the user is a member of the video group.

This is only relevant to running startx as a user, xorg run as root by a display
manager is unaffected.

### Wayland GUI without elogind

Users can now enjoy a wayland desktop without elogind by installing
libpam-ck-connector, sway and seatd.

Ensure the relevant user is a member of the `video` group and run sway from
the terminal.

## Getting Devuan 5 Daedalus

Devuan 5 Daedalus is available for i386, amd64, armel, armhf, arm64 and ppc64el

Installer isos and live CDs for i386 and amd64 are [available for
download](http://files.devuan.org/devuan_daedalus/) at

Mini isos and other specialist installation media for all release architectures
are available from

Please consider using one of the many [mirrors](https://devuan.org/get-devuan),
listed at [https://devuan.org/get-devuan](https://devuan.org/get-devuan).

Detailed instructions on how to use each image are available in the
corresponding `README.txt` file. The `SHA256SUMS` of each set of images is
signed by the developer in charge of the build. The fingerprints of [GPG keys of
all Devuan developers]( https://devuan.org/os/team) are listed at

In order to check that the images you downloaded are genuine and not
corrupted, you should:

- download the image(s)
- download the corresponding `SHA256SUMS` and `SHA256SUMS.asc` files in the same
- verify the checksums by running:

  > `sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS`

(it could complain about missing files, but should show an "OK" close to the
  images you have actually downloaded)

- verify the signature running:

> `gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring ./devuan-devs.gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.asc`

  (assuming that you have put the GPG keys in the keyring named
   `devuan-devs.gpg`. YMMV)

The `devuan-devs.gpg` keyring is provided only for convenience. The most correct
procedure to verify that the signatures are authentic is by downloading the
relevant public keys from a trusted keyserver, double-check that the fingerprint
of the key matches that of the developer reported on
[https://devuan.org/os/team](https://devuan.org/os/team) and then use that key
for verification.

### Docker images

Official Devuan Docker container images are [available from the Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/u/devuan). These images are updated as needed for all maintained releases. To get the latest image for Daedalus execute
`docker pull devuan/devuan:daedalus`

For further details on the images, please consult the information on Docker Hub.

## Upgrading to Devuan 5 Daedalus

A direct and easy upgrade path from Devuan Chimaera and a migration path from
Debian Bookworm to Devuan 5 Daedalus are [available](
https://devuan.org/os/install) at

If you already have Daedalus installed, run this command to get to the current
release version:

`apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade`

## Notes on Specific Packages and Issues

### Consolekit

Upstream maintenance of
[Consolekit2](https://github.com/ConsoleKit2/ConsoleKit2) has
resumed. [Consolekit](https://pkginfo.devuan.org/consolekit) is therefore a good
alternative to [elogind](https://pkginfo.devuan.org/elogind) for session
tracking and management.

## Devuan Package Repositories

Thanks to the support of many volunteers and donors, Devuan has a network of
package repository mirrors.  The mirror network is accessible using the FQDN

        deb http://deb.devuan.org/merged daedalus main
        deb http://deb.devuan.org/merged daedalus-security main
        deb http://deb.devuan.org/merged daedalus-updates main
        deb http://deb.devuan.org/devuan daedalus-proposed main

Along with the above URLs, the repositories are also accessible
using the Tor network, by using our hidden service address:

        deb tor+http://devuanfwojg73k6r.onion/merged daedalus main
        deb tor+http://devuanfwojg73k6r.onion/merged daedalus-security main
        deb tor+http://devuanfwojg73k6r.onion/merged daedalus-updates main
        deb tor+http://devuanfwojg73k6r.onion/devuan daedalus-proposed main

More information is available at

All the mirrors contain the full Devuan package repository (all the Devuan
releases and all the suites). They are synced every 30 minutes from the main
Devuan package repository (`pkgmaster.devuan.org`) and are continuously checked
for sanity, integrity, and consistency. The package repository network is
accessed through a DNS Round-Robin.

The updated list of mirrors belonging to the network is available at

If you wish to use a geographically local mirror, you can use
http://${CC}.deb.devuan.org where ${CC} is the CountryCode. If no mirror is
available in that country the URL will still work, although there will be no

Users could also opt for directly accessing one of the mirrors in that
list using the corresponding BaseURL.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The package mirrors at [deb.devuan.org](http://deb.devuan.org)
are signed with the following GPG key:

        pub   rsa2048 2014-12-02 [SC]
uid Devuan Repository (Primary Devuan signing key) <reposit...@devuan.org>
        sub   rsa2048 2014-12-02 [E]
        sub   rsa4096 2016-04-26 [S]

The key is included in the current [devuan-keyring package](http://pkginfo.devuan.org/devuan-keyring).

## Non-free firmware

All Devuan 5 Daedalus installation media make non-free firmware packages
available at install time. In the majority of the cases, these packages are
needed (and will be installed) only if your hardware (usually wifi adapter)
requires them. It is possible to avoid the automatic installation and loading of
needed non-free firmware by choosing the "Expert install" option in the
installation menu.

Devuan 5 Daedalus desktop-live and minimal-live images come with non-free
firmware packages pre-installed. You have the option of removing those non-free firmware packages from the desktop-live and minimal-live after boot, using the
`remove_firmware.sh` script available under `/root`.

## Devuan package information pages

Devuan provides a service to display information about all the packages
available in Devuan. This can be accessed at [https://pkginfo.devuan.org](

It is possible to search for package names matching a set of keywords, and to visualise the description, dependencies, suggestions and recommendations of each

## Reporting bugs

No piece of software is perfect. And acknowledging this fact is the
first step towards improving our software base.

Devuan strongly believes in the cooperation of the community to find, report and
solve issues. If you think you have found a bug in a Devuan package, please
report it to [https://bugs.devuan.org](https://bugs.devuan.org).

The procedure to report bugs is quite simple: install and run `reportbug`, a
tool that will help you compiling the bug report and including any relevant
information for the maintainers.

`reportbug` assumes than you have a properly configured Mail User Agent that can send emails (and that it knows about). If this is not the case, you can still
prepare your bug report with `reportbug`, save it (by default reportbug will
save the report under `/tmp`), and then use it as a template for an email to

(NOTE: Devuan does not provide an open SMTP relay for `reportbug`
yet. If you don't know what this is about, you can safely ignore this

When the bug report is processed, you will receive an email
confirmation indicating the number associated to the report.

Before reporting a bug, please check whether the very same problem has
been already experienced and reported by other users.

In general, issues with Devuan's own forked packages should be reported to
[Devuan's BTS](https://bugs.devuan.org). For unforked packages, bugs should
usually be fixed in Debian. `reportbug` handles this and sends to the correct BTS by default. You can override the choice that `reportbug` offers and report
issues directly to [Debian's BTS](https://bugs.debian.org) by using the `-B
debian` option.

To support the Devuan project you can donate at:

Live long and prosper!

The Devuan Development Team

devuan-announce mailing list

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