
J'ai un problème avec hylafax, je n'arrive pas à envoyé de fax. J'ai
essayé 3 modems differents, sans succes.Je n'ai aucun problème avec

Le numero n'est pas brulé, mais à la numerotation, je n'entend que 8
impulsions.Le fax à l'autre bout ne recois aucun signal.

Je seche un peu !!!

Si quelqu'un à deja eu ce problème, son aide est bienvenue :-)

Ma config : 

hylafax 4.1.1-1 compilé à partir du paquet source à cause d'un bug du
script "faxsetup" ( cf : )

Log :

MODEM "ELSA AG, AACHEN(GERMANY)" "MicroLink 56k Internet"/"Version 1.10
/ 19.07.1999"
SEND FAX: JOB 3 DEST 03xxxxxxxx COMMID 00000001 DEVICE '/dev/ttyS0'
SEND FAILED: JOB 3 DEST 03xxxxxxxx ERR Busy signal detected

config.ttyS0 :

CountryCode:            33
AreaCode:               3
FAXNumber:              +333.xx.xx.xx.xx
LongDistancePrefix:     0
InternationalPrefix:    00
DialStringRules:        etc/dialrules.europe
ServerTracing:          0x08501
SessionTracing:         0x08501
RecvFileMode:           0640
LogFileMode:            0640
DeviceMode:             0660
RingsBeforeAnswer:      1
SpeakerVolume:          medium
GettyArgs:              "-r -b %l"
LocalIdentifier:        "NothingSetup"
TagLineFormat:          "From %%l|%c|Page %%P of %%T"
MaxRecvPages:           25
# Modem-related stuff: should reflect modem command interface
# and hardware connection/cabling (e.g. flow control).
ModemType:              Class2.0        # use this to supply a hint
#ModemRate:             19200           # max rate for DCE-DTE
#ModemFlowControl:      xonxoff         # XON/XOFF flow control assumed
#ModemSetupDTRCmd:      AT&D2           # setup so DTR drop resets modem
#ModemSetupDCDCmd:      AT&C1           # setup so DCD reflects carrier
(or not)
# We normally append the "@" symbol to the dial string so that
# the modem will wait 5 seconds before attempting to connect
# and return result codes that distinguish between no carrier
# and no answer.  This makes it possible to avoid problems with
# repeatedly dialing a number that doesn't have a fax machine
# (kudos to Stuart Lynne for this trick.)
# NB: If you need to prefix phone numbers to get through a PBX,
#     put it in the ModemDialCmd; e.g. "DT9%s@".
ModemDialCmd:          ATDT%s@         # T for tone dialing, @ for
# Other possible configuration stuff.  The default strings are
# shown below.  Only those that are different from the defaults
# need to be included in the configuration file.
#ModemResetCmds:                ""              # stuff to do when modem
is reset
#ModemAnswerCmd:                ATA             # use this to answer
#ModemNoFlowCmd:                AT&K            # disable flow control
#ModemHardFlowCmd:      AT&K3           # hardware flow control cmd
#ModemSoftFlowCmd:      AT&K4           # software flow control cmd
#ModemNoAutoAnswerCmd:  ATS0=0          # disable auto-answer
# Set modem speaker volume commands: OFF QUIET LOW MEDIUM HIGH.
# Note that we both turn the speaker on/off and set volume.
#ModemSetVolumeCmd:     "ATM0 ATL0M1 ATL1M1 ATL2M1 ATL3M1"
#ModemEchoOffCmd:       ATE0            # disable command echo
#ModemVerboseResultsCmd:        ATV1            # enable verbose command
#ModemResultCodesCmd:   ATQ0            # enable result codes
#ModemOnHookCmd:                ATH0            # place phone on hook
#ModemSoftResetCmd:     ATZ             # do soft reset of modem
#ModemSoftResetCmdDelay:        3000    # pause after soft reset
#ModemWaitTimeCmd:      ATS7=60         # wait 60 seconds for carrier
#ModemCommaPauseTimeCmd:        ATS8=2          # comma pause time is 2
#ModemRecvFillOrder:    LSB2MSB         # bit order of received
#ModemSendFillOrder:    LSB2MSB         # bit order modem expects for
# Configuration parameters for Class 2.0 modems.
Class2Cmd:              AT+FCLASS=2.0   # command to enter class 2.0
Class2BORCmd:           AT+FBO=0        # bit order for phase B/C/D
Class2CQCmd:            ""              # commands to enable copy
quality proc.
Class2AbortCmd:         AT+FKS          # abort session command
Class2CQQueryCmd:       AT+FCQ=?        # query for copy quality
Class2DCCQueryCmd:      AT+FCC=?        # query for modem capabilities
Class2TBCCmd:           AT+FPP=0        # setup stream mode
Class2CRCmd:            AT+FCR=1        # enable capability to receive
Class2PHCTOCmd:         AT+FCT=30       # set phase C timeout parameter
Class2BUGCmd:           AT+FBU=1        # enable HDLC frame tracing
Class2LIDCmd:           AT+FLI          # set local identifier command
Class2DCCCmd:           AT+FCC          # set modem capabilities command
Class2DISCmd:           AT+FIS          # set session parameters command
Class2DDISCmd:          ""              # disable pre-dial DIS command
Class2CIGCmd:           AT+FPI          # set polling identifier command
Class2NRCmd:            AT+FNR=1,1,1,1  # setup status reporting command
Class2PIECmd:           AT+FIE=0        # disable interrupt-enable
Class2PTSCmd:           AT+FPS          # set post-page status command
Class2SPLCmd:           AT+FSP          # set polling indicator command
Class2NFLOCmd:          AT+FLO=0        # set no flow control command
Class2SFLOCmd:          AT+FLO=1        # set software flow control
Class2HFLOCmd:          AT+FLO=2        # set hardware flow control

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