u wanna meet up

2005-04-14 Wątek Mrs.Kyle
Heyyy it's me Alexandra... husband left me home alone again you can come and chat with me, i have an online profile...if you like my = sexy profile, we can meet up for a cup of coffee or maybe more http://himwild.com/d/8.php -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "uns

Re: Stealth Test za pomoca http://www.pcflank.com/

2005-04-14 Wątek Rafał Rawicki
luk napisał(a): mariusz wrote: Witam Test "stealth" za wykonany za pomoca serwisu http://www.pcflank.com/ zwraca takie oto wartosci TCP "ping"stealthed TCP NULLnon-stealthed TCP FIN non-stealthed TCP XMAS

ivan learned that

2005-04-14 Wątek Painter
Last Chance... This arrangement will only be offered to you one last time. We'd like to thank you again for your inquiry last year, we have been just been advised that two private lenders are interested in offering you a deal. Remember, for this special offer past credit history is not a fa

Re: Różnica między BIND 9.2 a 9.3 ???

2005-04-14 Wątek Wojciech Ziniewicz
On 4/14/05, Linuks pytania <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Czy ktoś mi w prosty sposób wyjaśni jaka jest między tymi wersjami > różnica? > > I czy opis pod http://debian.one.pl/index.php?url=12 jest nadal > aktualny? > Opis na debian.one.pl jest jak najbardziej aktualny. JEżeli chcesz sobie skon

Różnica między BIND 9.2 a 9.3 ???

2005-04-14 Wątek Linuks pytania
Czy ktoś mi w prosty sposób wyjaśni jaka jest między tymi wersjami różnica? I czy opis pod http://debian.one.pl/index.php?url=12 jest nadal aktualny? -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]