Witam ponownie:
> > zainstalowałem kernel-patch-2.4-grsecurity,
> > a w katalogu /usr/src/kerne-patches/all/grsecurity_2_4 mam tylko paczki
> > dla jądra 2.4.14, 2.4.16, 2.4.17, 2.4.18.
> >
> > Czy to oznacza ze nie będę mógł zainstalować grsecurity na swoim
> > kenrelu ??
> Nie przeczytales nawet opisu pakietu.  Blad.
> Wykonaj:
> $ apt-cache show kernel-patch-2.4-grsecurity
Package: kernel-patch-2.4-grsecurity
Priority: extra
Section: devel
Installed-Size: 371
Maintainer: Jonathan McDowell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
Version: 1.9.4-5
Depends: bash (>= 2.0), patch, grep-dctrl
Suggests: kernel-source-2.4, kernel-package
Size: 316460
MD5sum: 90d909ee7be475591b2babc1014d24fc
Description: grsecurity kernel patch - OpenWall based 2.4.x security patch
 This patch provides OpenWall functionality to 2.4.x kernels as well as many
 other features such as limited chroot(), fork() rate limiting, various network
 limiting and randomizing options, memory page protection on IA32, restricting
 mprotect(), random PIDs, an in-kernel ACL setup, and much more.
 This patch conflicts with the LSM patch, they both change the same things so
 the patches can't both apply.

W opisie nie znajduję niczego na temat tego czy zpaczuje mi kernel.
(hmmm.. ) może i ze mnie Lama, w takim razie proszę o oświecenie.


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