GPSI Closes Deal To Increase Revenue By $2.9 Million Annually!

Global Pay Solutions Inc.
Monday Close: $0.031

The news is out and the deal is done. GPSI will provide 70,000 payroll
cards in the Dominican Republic. Initial revenues of $400,000 will be
followed by services fees over the year estimated at $2.5 Million. This
is huge and only sets the beginning of their move into Latin America.
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Podcasting is the process of distributing audio files using the RSS
format and has become very popular with the younger generations. Now,
this is software that you actually buy.
To show how much we love our customers we decided to offer a ONE DAY
SALE on the Podcasting Bundle. What started as a hobby for many, has
turned into a lucrative profession for some.
The new educational feed search engine groups related feeds by category.
Listen to previous interviews in which the interviewee participated,
read their blog and articles to get a feel for the interviewees position
on issues. In order to use traditional music that is heard on the radio
in a podcast, podcasters may have to pay royalties for each time the
song is played.
Recording Away from Home  When taking your podcast on the road it is
equally important that the quality of the podcast is not compromised for
the sake of portability. Users opt to subscribe the information in an
RSS feed. Easily record and edit audio files to create professional
sounding podcasts.
The free iPod tutorial explains the differences between the iPod models.
Research Interview Subject Do your homework about the individual or
individuals you are interviewing.
RSS is a supplemental communication channel that can be used to deliver
content. Question: Are there any size limitations to podcasts?
Professors are using podcasts to instruct students and get their
messages out. It also deciphers the technical jargon used on websites to
explain the iPods various features and functions. Just as the second
generation of search engines and directories evolved into niche topic
specific portals we are seeing the same occur in the area of RSS feed
directories and search engines.
If you want to do a podcast, this is the program you need.
The new version of FeedForAll has full support for extensions and
includes unified publishing that allows publishers to easily upload
files along with their feed. In FeedforAll, the first step in the RSS
creation wizard is to give your feed a title.
RecordForAll, by NotePage, Inc. Reduce extraneous noise by turning off
fans or any equipment.
Now the hard part: how to retain the subscribers to your RSS feed.
RSS Namespace Directory - Collection of popular RSS extensions along
with the details of each. This is a short summary that aptly describes
the contents of the feed.
RSS Scripts Directory - Subscription based directory containing numerous
PHP scripts for managing RSS feeds.
Easily remove sound distortions and imperfections with drag and drop
Easily record and edit audio files to create professional sounding
podcasts. Podcasting is not restricted to one educational sector,
professors at prestigest colleges from Bentley to Purdue have flocked to
this medium. Why should a musician podcast?
File Finder reviewed RecordForAll on Tucows.
It is easiest if you use the same location each time, that way the
equipment can remain in place and will not require moving or setup each
time you produce a show. Now, this is software that you actually buy.
has created a downloadable pdf that explains the ins and outs of iPods.
Allowing web publishers to prepublish content weeks or even month's in
advance, knowing that the content will automatically be displayed at the
appropriate time.
Contact us and we will provide a free registration key that can be
entered into the trial version.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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