On Mon, Oct 07, 2002 at 10:48:06AM -0300, Marcelo Neres dos Santos wrote:
> Pessoal,
> meu irmão faz faculdade de Comunicação Social e precisa de um 
> SW tipo FrontPage para criar um pequeno site para um trabalho
> escolar.
> Tem que ser um editor tipo FP pq ele não manja nada de HTML
> e não tem tempo pra aprender ...
> []s


Description: Web Development Environment for KDE
 Quanta Plus is a web development environment for HTML and associate
 languages.  It is designed for quick web development and is rapidly
 becoming a mature editor with a number of great features.  Quanta
 already has a good deal of PHP support in it including the ability to
 run a debugger.
 Quanta Plus is not in any way affiliated with any commercial versions of
 Quanta.  The primary coders from the original team left the GPL'd
 version to produce a commercial product.


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