File blocked - ScanMail for Lotus Notes --> Re: That movie

2003-09-01 Por tema Mail Administrator
Mail notification from WFP Rome: Undeliverable attachments were detected by the mail scanner in the message that you sent. Certain files such as applications, video and bmp images cannot be delivered due to mail policy restrictions. The undeliverable attachments were replaced with similarly-named

File blocked - ScanMail for Lotus Notes --> Re: Re: My details

2003-08-27 Por tema Mail Administrator
Mail notification from WFP Rome: Undeliverable attachments were detected by the mail scanner in the message that you sent. Certain files such as applications, video and bmp images cannot be delivered due to mail policy restrictions. The undeliverable attachments were replaced with similarly-named

Re[2]: Seriedad - Sensualidad - Diferente...

2000-12-08 Por tema Mail Administrator
Malgrat de Mar, 08/12/2000 - 10:52 En/na Pablo Fanjul Gómez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha dit, * Missatge original * Por favor, esto no es serio, habria que hacer algo, vamos digo yo. ** Fí del missatge original * Yo también empiezo a