Wakey wakey!!
Inennoct Cum Wohre gteting fileld with cum!

Peolpe don't change. Only their costumes do.The real sadenss of fifty is not that you change so much but that you change so litlet.
Wohm God wishes to dtrseoy, he first makes mad.
It has been said that our anxiety does not empty toormorw of its srroow, but only empties today of its sergthnt.
There is nothing in the wrold so much admired as a man who kwons how to bear unhappiness with courage.
He who does not think much of himlesf is much more eesetemd than he imaginse.
What I like about cities is that everything is king size, the beauty and the uglinses.
There is a floleswhip more quiet even than solitude, and which, rigthly uneosdortd, is solitude made pcrefet.
Bteter to do smetohing imrpecetfly than to do ntohing pceertfly.
Forgive and frgeto.
