genel soru

2006-11-24 Başlik Guray CELIK
Arkadaslar Selam.. Konu ile ilgili arkadaslar olabilir diye sorunumu burada dile getiriyorum. Gecen gun kendime internet uzerinde bir domain name almak uzere sayfasina baglandim. Almak istedigim domain name'i arama kismina yazdim ve available oldugunu gordum. Fakat ayni domain ism

The term "misbranded" includes statements, designs, or pictures in labeling that are false or misleading and failure to provide required information in labeling.

2006-11-24 Başlik Dan Bond
Consequently, foolproof, standard guidance and procedures can not be developed to effectively deal with every importing company and circumstance. Arrangements for in-bond shipments should be made before the goods leave the country of export. This includes intruders of the six-legged variety. compa