Re: Configuration problem with Merlin U630 and Telsim/Turkcell

2008-06-19 Başlik Tonguc Yumruk
Hi, I don't know about Telsim, but for Turkcell you need an extra initialization command. Here is a snip from my /etc/chatscripts/Tcell file: # modeminit '' ATZ OK 'AT+CGDCONT=1, IP, internet' # ispnumber OK-AT-OK ATDT*99***1# The ATDT*99***1# part might be *99# in some phones/cards. The real

Configuration problem with Merlin U630 and Telsim/Turkcell

2008-06-18 Başlik Michelle Konzack
Merhaba, Sorry that I write in english (speak german/french too) but currently I am only learning turkish (very slow, since here in Strasbourg all is limited) and I am back in Denizli July for 2-4 weeks before I go to Badajoz/Extremadura/Spain. OK, I have two SIM cards from Telsim and